
Kohler Asia Pacific Ltd.

We take digital marketing solutions to the next level by assessing your business needs and integrating innovative ideas to help you grow.

Kohler – The Successful Social Media Strategy

Kohler provides a range of designer kitchen and bathroom products, including enclosures, baths, taps, showers, luxury toilets, and more.

CM Binary Limited designed a social media strategy for the company to draw Facebook engagement and fans. The strategy included simple video shooting, visual design, and copywriting.

How Can it Work for You?

Today, more than 70% of customers research a brand before making a buying decision. The first thing they look for is a social media presence. But, having social media accounts isn’t enough; your potential customers expect you to have high engagement with your customers, useful content, and exciting videos and photos.

CM Binary Limited can help your brand differentiate from others and amplify your message through the right social media strategy.

We remove the complexity of social media for entrepreneurs and business owners by assessing the existing brand presence, determining what is missing, creating, and implementing the right strategy.

Our team will:

  • Offer social media consultation
  • Establish an optimal strategy
  • Create compelling content to attract more leads
  • Utilize the leading social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
  • Help create exciting photos and videos

We believe with a clear strategy and strong content, your brand’s success gets amplified, and your ROI increases.

浴缸🛁多功能 滿足全家人👨‍👩‍👧‍👦有冇諗過浴缸都可以咁多功能💭?✅喺屋企都可以享受酒店級嘅美容浴🛀🏻;✅為小朋友🧒🏻👧🏻打造專屬嘅水上樂園🏖️;✅仲可以成為毛孩🐩🐈嘅美容院一個浴缸🛁,滿足曬全家人👨‍👩‍👧‍👦♥️嘅願望 !唔知你哋仲有冇諗到浴缸仲有咩✅功能呢?歡迎留言分享📝~#Kohler #Kohlerhk #浴室 #浴缸 #享受metime #美容浴 #親子時間 #竉物沖涼

Posted by KOHLER on Friday, 4 September 2020

【 It’s Bath Time🚿,囝囝肯沖涼咁乖?】每次嚟到 #沖涼 時間,小朋友就扭扭拎拎唔肯郁🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️,又氹又鬧先肯入浴室⋯⋯ 有冇諗過叫佢哋試下 #浸浴 呀🛁?例如將佢鍾意嘅公仔、機械人等玩具,帶埋入浴缸,同佢哋齊齊浸浴,增加沖涼嘅吸引力🥰!仲有,喺呢個小小空間,父母同子女嘅 #互動 多咗,仲可以提升 #親子關係 𠻹👨‍👩‍👧‍👦!#Kohler #Kohlerhk #浴室 #浴缸

Posted by KOHLER on Sunday, 23 August 2020

【 酒店級享受,家中歎個夠😍】諗下先,對上一個 #旅遊假期 係幾時呢🤔?好想快啲去旅行,歎個夠呀✨!但有冇諗過,其實喺屋企都可以擁有旅遊時嘅 #享受?講緊嘅係酒店級嘅 #浸浴體驗!雖然冇得 #外遊,唯有喺屋企歎個夠啦😉!另外,連5星級酒店都選用 KOHLER 鑄鐵浴缸,可想而知,佢嘅質素都有一定嘅 #信心保證,更有 #終身有限保養,你係咪開始心動呢💗?#Kohler #Kohlerhk #浴室 #浴缸

Posted by KOHLER on Thursday, 20 August 2020

【 #智能廁板,你要識得揀😉】#廁板 同肌膚咁親近,#乾淨衞生 一定係首要條件👍🏻!KOHLER C3-400 智能廁板就做得到🚽,當中嘅不銹鋼噴管有 #自動清潔功能,使用前後都會被激活,增強 #衞生,加上 #抗菌 🦠 廁板,如廁就自然更加安心☺!#Kohler #Kohlerhk #廁所 #座廁

Posted by KOHLER on Thursday, 27 February 2020

Create awareness of your brand on the right platforms with compelling content.

Get in touch with us to discuss your project. Let CM Binary Limited grow your online business with passion and optimal digital marketing solutions.